Friday 6 June 2008

‘Burn After Reading’ Trailer: Welcome Back to Lebowski Land

Tagline: "Report back to me when … I dunno … when it makes sense."

Translation: Finally, a Big Lebowski sequel!

The Verdict: And in 1996 the Coens made Fargo, and lo, it was good. And Fargo begat The Big Lebowski, viewed by many as a shallow, goofy disappointment after the dark majesty of the Oscar-winning Fargo, but actually a sneaky cult favorite superior to its predecessor. And so, ten years later, the Oscar-winning No Country for Old Men begets shallow, goofy comedy Burn After Reading. And it shall be good. The Burn After Reading trailer confirms what we thought reading the script last summer: This ersatz spy movie is actually another in the Coens' oeuvre of moron epics, complete with big Brad Pitt hair, a slow-talking Frances McDormand, a bearded George Clooney, and — best of all — J.K. Simmons out-Coening everyone else with his deadpan performance as an aggravated CIA chief. We're pretty sure we're gonna love this.

Earlier: So How's the Script for the Coen Brothers' ‘Burn After Reading,’ Starring Pitt and Clooney?